High Priest: Thank you both for coming. Let’s get down to business.
Acolyte 1: Sure Reverend.Acolyte 2: Ok.
High Priest: Well, I’ve asked you here so I could run an idea I have past you both. You are two of our most devoted followers and I wanted to see what you would think about a change in the direction of our religious group.
Acolyte 1: A change?
Acolyte 2: In the cult?
High Priest: Were not actually a cult.
Acolyte 2: So I can leave when I want to?
High Priest: Well, not exactly, um let’s talk about that later. What I am proposing is a new direction for “The Way of Truth.”
Acolyte 1: What exactly are you proposing?
High Priest: Well we all know that our studies teach us that the way of truth is a…
Acolyte 1 and Acolyte 2 (in unison): is a difficult road to a destination that can never be reached.
High Priest: Exactly, but most new worshipers have a hard time digesting how hard the road really is and wind up leaving, most of them before the check clears.
Acolyte 1: Well they really wouldn’t be good followers anyway, what’s the fuss?
High Priest: Numbers and income are down, so I’ve decided to do something drastic. Instead of being truthful in all things, we instead will be deceitful.
Acolyte 1: huh?
Acolyte 2: I’m confused.
High Priest: Look at it this way. The truth is the opposite of lying. Therefore, if someone is telling lies all the time, and someone were to interpret what they were saying in opposite, then they are actually telling the truth, just in reverse.
Acolyte 1: Clever. I really like it.
Acolyte 2: I’m still confused.
High Priest: So instead of telling the truth all of the time, we now will be lying all the time and we will find the truth through the opposite of our actions and words!
Acolyte 1: Brilliant! The road should be much shorter this way. When do we start?
High Priest: Tomorrow. We’ll be instituting the new policy tomorrow.
Acolyte 1: How do I know that you haven’t started already?
High Priest: Because I’m telling you that we are going to put it in tomorrow’s newsletter.
Acolyte 1: Very clever! You’ve already started it. It won’t be in tomorrow’s news letter and we’ve already started.
High Priest: No…. Tomorrow, I’m still telling the truth.
Acolyte 1: Oh I understand Master. I’ll be starting tomorrow too. (Winks)
Acolyte 2: I’m confused. Are we going to change our name?
High Priest: No. We have to keep it the same. If we changed it, then we wouldn’t be telling ALL lies and that would be against the way of truth.
Acolyte 2: You mean the way of lies…
High Priest: We can’t call it that, we’d be telling the truth.
Acolyte 2: About us lying? I’m still confused.
Acolyte 1: Wait, if you’re lying then we really are going to change our name, which means that we’d be telling the truth. Now I’m confused.
High Priest: Just follow the way of truth and all things will be revealed to you my children…
Acolyte 2 to Acolyte 1: Is he still lying?