1. Idealists, following a path marked by the celebration of
2. Thinkers, hoping to come to know the self as other, driven to be
3. Artists, lusting for motion, beauty and truth, all for the sake of
4. Lovers, destined to love wrongly and poorly, hoping to become
5. Holy-men, building for the masses the golden idols needed for
6. People; self-aware, transcendent, dying, loving, and ultimately ungrateful.
1.(2?)Thinkers, hoping to come to know the self as other, driven to be
2.(4?)Lovers, destined to love wrongly and poorly, hoping to become
3.(1?)Idealists, following a path marked by the celebration of
4.(5?)Holy-men, building for the masses the golden idols needed for
5.(3?)Artists, lusting for motion, beauty and truth, all for the sake of
6.(6.)People; self-aware, transcendent, dying, loving, and ultimately ungrateful.
1.(Artists3?5?,) lusting for motion, beauty and truth, all for the sake of
2.(Lovers4?2?,) destined to love wrongly and poorly, hoping to become
3.(Idealists1?3?,) following a path marked by the celebration of
4.(Holy-men5?4?,) building for the masses the golden idols needed for
5.(Thinkers2?1?,) hoping to come to know the self as other, driven to be
6.(People6.;) self-aware, transcendent, dying, loving, and ultimately ungrateful.
I. Holy-men, building for the masses the golden idols needed for
II. Artists, lusting for motion, beauty and truth, all for the sake of
III. Thinkers, hoping to come to know the self as other, driven to be
IV. Idealists, following a path marked by the celebration of
V. Lovers, destined to love wrongly and poorly, hoping to become
VI. People; self-aware, transcendent, dying, loving, and ultimately ungrateful.
A. Lovers, destined to love wrongly and poorly, hoping to become
B. Idealists, following a path marked by the celebration of
C. Holy-men, building for the masses the golden idols needed for
D Thinkers, hoping to come to know the self as other, driven to be
E. Artists, lusting for motion, beauty and truth, all for the sake of
F. People; self-aware, transcendent, dying, loving, and ultimately ungrateful.
Idea(s)lists, fo(regoing)llowing (1?)a path(s) (un)mar(r)k(k)ed by the celebration of
Thinkers(.), h(el)oping to come to (un)know the self(ish) as other, driven to be(?)
Artists, lust(ful.)ing for(ever in) motion, (un)beaut(iful)y and(rogenous) truth! all for(giving) (All for)the sake of
Lovers(.), Desti(g)ned to love wrongly and poorly(.), Hoping to (be)come.
(Un)Holy-men, builhiding for the m(e)asse(ge)s. (No) the golden idols needed(.) For(ever.)
People; self(ishly)-(un)aware, transcendent, dying, loving, and ultimately ungrateful.